Today was:
Totally awesome!
Today was
successfully raw
Does anybody know what this means? I thought i did last week! I thought i did 5 months ago! I even thought i did yesterday. But ya know, now i'm thinking maybe i didn't afterall!
Ok, that said...there is no one right way to eat raw. There are so many amazing possibilities its quite miraculous. I attended the successfully raw event today not really knowing what to expect. I knew the progam and what was going to happen but you simply cannot fathom what really did happen.
First, the energy in that room was so palpable, so evident, so obvious you could reach out and grab it. I really can't explain it. I suppose its the fact that everybody there, was there for the same AND different reasons. Some to listen, some to learn and some to network and exchange ideas and recipes!
First speaker was the lovely Karen Knowler, raw food coach She spoke for 2 solid hours and basically coached us! She gave us some cool handouts and is quite personable! I'm thinking of contacting her in the future. I love the quote she ended her lecture with:
Be humble, you are made of earth
Be noble, you are made of stars
Yep, gives you lots to think about and absorb.
Next up was Joel Odhner(private chef)
Joel Odhner. Interesting dude! He presented a raw food demo. He made a lovely green smoothe with spinach (my favorite) apples and bananas and water! Thats it...put it all in the vitamix and in about 20 seconds there was a green smoothie in all its glory! Simple, easy and quite delicious. Next up, massaged kale salad. This should be a staple in everybody's raw food arsenal. Real easy and massaging it pours the love and dedication right into the kale and then right into your body and cells. How cool is that? VERY!!! Last was something Joel called simply a burger. Almonds and carrots in the FP. Then diced very finely celery, red pepper, onions and this is most important...ground flax seeds! The flax is the binding agent here. A little salt and your done. The rest is up to you, maybe wrap the burger in some collards or romaine, stuff a pepper..its endless the possibilities!!! Amazingly easy and really quite tasty! So, here are 3 things that can be made cheaply, fast and most importantly it tastes good!
Now on to the good stuff...and please forgive me if i forget the essentials here. We were treated to an extraordinary lunch from
Jill Pettijohn over at Jill's Cafe in (gasp) Brooklyn, NY! Lunch was great! I believe it was a raw pizza accompanied by a nice salad! I do not know what it was made of except the zucchini pasta on top. It's all good though...:O). Dessert was either a chocolate thumbprint or a strawberry thumbprint! I chose strawberry!
After lunch, 3 dynamic speakers that i am proud to call my friends. Philip
loving raw Great job! So inspirational. Read his story, it will literally make you want to go 100% raw overnight. Nuff said! Then, my good friend Anthony
raw model He's dynamic, funny and really adorable! He ROCKS! Great guy Anthony is! Read
his blog and get to know him. Last speaker of the day was a great man Dhrumil over at
we like it raw. Spiritual, energizing and a great way to end this amazing day! He instilled in us (me) the virtues of falling still. Taking the time each and every day, more than once a day to just "stop" what your doing, be conscious of your breathing and your thoughts and take the time to just be. It's great and i will be incorporating this into my everyday life!
It's funny because when i left the event and entered the chaos and unpredictibility that is Manhattan, somehow it didn't scare me. People were coming at me left and right and sideways but i took it all in stride. I think i was even smiling to myself. That must have went over big...hmmm look at the crazy raw girl smiling! What's up with that??? What's up with that is i was completely at peace, serene and even looking forward to the train ride home.
Today was:
Totally awesome!
I feel happy!!! I think i'll skip to bed now.
"What you are seeking, is also seeking you"!