Keane - Spiralling
We're tumbling down
We're spiralling
Tied up to the ground
We're spiralling
When we fall in love
We're just falling
In love with ourselves
We're spiralling
I am keen on Keane!!! Keane are an English piano rock band, first established in Battle, East Sussex in 1995, and taking their current name in 1997. Keane are known for using a piano as their lead instrument instead of guitars, significantly differentiating them from most rock bands The inclusion of a distorted piano effect in 2006 and various synthesizers were a common feature in their music that back then combined the piano rock sound used during their first album and the alternative rock sound which developed during 2005. For their latest tracks, Keane have used new instrumentation such as banjo, violins, saxophone and, once again, acoustic guitar. Please check them out my space and for goodness sakes purchase their new CD called Perfect Symmetry!
So, i was thinking about something.
Asking a girl for a dance, her number or a date must be hard for a man. I first realized this after reading this Far Side cartoon a few years ago. And since then, I have become very sensitive to men’s emotions and feelings and have treated them with the utmost respect during this grueling and sometimes confusing process called the mating dance.
Now, this post was originally going to be titled Pulling the Trigger, a how-to guide for men on how and when to approach women. However, I decided on something much more simple "rules for women to assure positive experiences in the ‘pas de deux of love’
At times, the mating dance can resemble failed military operations. Men can’t figure out when, where and how force shall be used to proceed. There they are in front of us, fumbling, trying to say the words or ask the question, but they just can’t seem to ‘pull the trigger’. As women, it is our duty to help them out. If we’re interested, we show them they can advance - without consequence - through words and body language. We face-off, smile, engage in conversation, maintain eye contact, lightly touch their arm or leg in conversation, or give them our telephone number if they should ask for it.
If we are NOT interested, we let them know…nicely. There is no point in being mean or disrespectful. Not only is it bad form and unnecessary, it’s narcissistic. Always show respect.
It’s also not the time to lead men on or play games. Although it may give your ego a boost, move on or you’re surely pay for it later in life (or other women will). As Coco Chanel once said:
‘If a man talks bad about women, it usually means he was burned by one woman.’
Let’s all do our part and behave as evolved and adult women.
It is extremely important that you shut him down quickly and not give him ANY window of opportunity. There should be no doubt or confusion in your answer. ‘Sorry, I have a boyfriend. Thanks anyway!’ - works every time and in any situation. It should be said in a light and fluid cadence so you don’t offend him. But, whatever you do, if you’re in motion (like walking) keep moving. Being in constant motion shows him that you are serious. If you keep standing there in front of him, it creates doubt and confusion and he may think that’s his green light to proceed and press you to change your mind. If you’re sitting, like in a club, then politely turn away from him after ‘Thanks anyway!’
And speaking of clubs, if you DON’T want to be bothered then DON’T give him any energy: eye contact, smile, wave, conversation, face-off, etc. Or, worst yet, say you’re going to be back and not return - again, totally unnecessary.
Accepting a dance can be tricky. Be firm in letting him know you’re only interested in dancing with someone other than your girlfriend(s). ‘Just to let you know, I’m only interested in dancing’ - should do the trick. The onus is now on him.
Lastly, DO NOT give him your number if you do not plan on following through. Men know they will, from time to time, face rejection. Don’t think you’re being mean by turning him down. You’re not. You’re actually doing us women a favor by extinguishing the spite fire that builds up in men who encounter women who ‘play games on their phones’.
Men have feelings just like us so please…always show respect.
Lastly, i'd like to give you 9 REASONS NOT TO DATE A T. REX. 9 reasons
"I have learned that there is no failure in running, or in life, as long as you keep moving. It's not about speed and gold medals. It's about refusing to be stopped. You might find that one particular direction proves difficult, but there are many directions on a compass. Infinite, in fact. As long as you keep searching, you'll find your winning way." --Amby Burfoot, form enlightening book, " The Runner's Guide to the Meaning of Life."
Countdown to Halloween - 16 days