Sorry, folks your problems don't add up. These "white people problems" are by far the worst. It sucks when there is a long line at the Apple Store and your therapist goes on a week's vacation!! Shit, how dare they!!! Having to drive that damn Hummer huh? That SUCKS!!
Gotta get serious now. I need you folks. All of you please!!
I am needing a favor. I am frustrated and somewhat confused as to what to do. There are people in my life that are having bad health issues. Not just a cold or a hang nail Really serious stuff. I don't pray. It's not that I don't want to, I just really don't know how or get it. Yet, I need to do something or I will bust.
I rather not give names just yet, but I will say this:
1) A lost baby and mom back in ER tonight
2) My mom's CLL and shingle pain
3) A 21 year old with cancer
4) A friend who is just not well
Can you guys say some prayers or something? Just some good thoughts and light and vibes and all that stuff that you do to make it all better? Because, honestly, I can't. I don't know if I don't have it in me tonight or what. All this crap is making me feel kind of melancholy,
I didn't run today - perhaps that is why I feel the way I do. I am running the entire weekend though. I am actually meeting up with a new running friend on Sunday for a run. Should be interesting because we don't know each other's running style or pace or anything really. A fresh perspective I suppose!
So, if you wouldn't mind a bit of asking the Universe for some miracles?
The Universe told me today:
These are the times, Michelle, when hopes are dashed and chaos abounds, that golden opportunities, prized ideas, and new friends emerge into the view of all, but are only seen by the few who look.
Let's go crazy,
The Universe
Also, wish good luck to my friend Stephanie, she is running a half marathon this weekend. Friend Steve is doing the New Orleans 70.3 Half Ironman!!
Sorry, I think perhaps I am asking too much - its the weekend PARTY ON!!!
Gorgeous huh?? It's the orange/grapefruit/lemon display at Whole Foods.
I took this photo. I was sitting at an outside cafe and this doggie was tied up waiting for its owner. He/she came up real close to me and I snapped the photo!!