Thursday, February 19, 2009

I Am A Distant Dreamer With Clouds Before My Eyes....

It's just as confusing to me as it is to the doctor reading the X-ray. No healing is showing on the X-ray. No calcification which is what is needed for a broken toe to show healing is happening. He said he is surprised after 1 month that the X-ray looks the same as the first one taken.

I admit though I was not very compliant with what I was supposed to do. That ugly orthopedic boot that I was supposed to wear every day, yeah not so much. Got yelled at for that by almost everybody who said something along the lines of

Jan 2009 4 4:31:26 24.16 11' 14 2,813 +191 -188 +3 1.8 --
Feb 2009 1 0:35:42 3.00 11' 54 314 +26 -26 +0 1.9 --
OVERALL 5 5:07:08 27.16 11' 18 3,127 +217 -214 +3 1.9

Up there, those numbers are my stats for the year 2009. You can see it. In January I ran 4 times. In February I ran 1 time. So in the year 2009 I ran a grand total of 5 times. GO ME!!! I burned 3127 calories which I put back on and then some. It's pretty horrifying, those stats huh? When I look at them, I get sick to my stomach.

I know, that is so dramatic and perhaps ridiculous but its how I feel. I cannot help but clicking on that website where all my stats are located and just stare at it in disbelieve. I had so many hopes and goals for my running in 2009. Now? Not so much. It's all up in the air as to when I can run again.

The plan is twofold:
1) See an orthopedic doctor for further ways to get this TOE healed. Perhaps being casted although if that is what is suggested I will probably run out of the office screaming and flailing my arms as a insane person would do, hoping beyond hope they don't drag out the straight jacket.
2) Wait perhaps 10 more days and have another X-ray.

Oh and wear the shoe. So, I am wearing the damn thing. Only time I will take it off is when I shower and sleep. Needless to say, I am not a happy camper. I'm OK, just not happy.

Here is what I am in the mood for. A very nice cocktail served to me on my couch with free refills all night long. I probably would go for an appletini or a mojito!!! Either of those would do. Perhaps some hordeuves too?

Life goes on!!! RIGHT????

The Universe told me:
Dreams are like that, Michelle... Most of the time you don't even know how close you are, until after they've come true.

Sometimes, even, the very day before they come true, it still feels like they're a million miles away.

Something to remember.
The Universe

"Progress always involves risks. You can't steal second base
and keep your foot on first."

-- Frederick B. Wilcox


P.S. I took the liberty of borrowing the above Go Suck A Toe from this beauty of a lady annsrants. Go visit her and tell her rawcool sent you!!! She is funny and will make you giggle.
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