Sunday, January 27, 2008

So, the weekend!

Well, it was low key and quick! Saturday was spent blogging, movie watching, phone talking, music listening, email writing and eating! Well, when i say eating i mean to say thinking about eating and then taking tiny bites of things that i deem not fattening! It's the only way to go i think!

Sunday was spent driving, shopping, waiting on lines, some more driving, and then of course eating...well, when i say eating i mean sitting in a favorite restaurant and hoping i don't overeat!!! I did not! Carrot cake was ordered and not a drop of it did i touch!!! I am proud of myself so i gave myself a pat on the back. My mom and cousin both think i did not eat enough! HA! Little do they could have gone much worse.

So, yeah there you have it! It was fun i guess! Hello Monday!
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