Friday, February 22, 2008

Wheatgrass - Deb - Kris - Love!!!

The art of living consists of dying young, but as late as possible.

I tried wheatgrass once! Just a spur of the moment decision when passing a juice cafe! It was shall i say interesting. Grassy! Almost sweet in taste.

I must give a shoutout and thank you to a wonderful person that i have met here online! Her name is Debbie, Deb for short. She has CLL (chronic lymphocytic leukemia) just like my mom so i feel a sort of kinship if you will. Please check out her blog here: debbie does raw Anyway, she was kind enough to send to me and others some samples of wheatgrass powder and wheatgrass coffee and honey! To me, this is an act of pure kindness and love.

I simply cannot believe the wonderous world of the world wide web. It's as though nice people know where to congregate online and we all find and befriend each other. People always want to help and be helped. Perfect example is Kris Carr over at
crazy sexy cancer!!! To quote Deb "CSC is a place of miracles..." Well said and very very true! Kris is a true pioneer in giving people a place to gather online and, simply put, just talk.

I've made amazing friends with so many people! The list is long but you all know who you are! I just want to say "i am there for you, all of you!" Help, advice, love, humour, music...whatever!! I'm in the loop.

So, let me end this by listing some of the reasons why we need to take wheatgrass daily!!!
1) It's a life-sustaining complete food
2) It's concentrated over-all nutrition
3) It's great for internal cleansing (god knows we all need internal cleansing)
4) It has powerful anti-oxidants
5) It arrests bacterial growth internally
6) It enhances repair mechanisms
7) It prevents the growth of cancer cells
8) It supports blood circulation
9) It neutralizes toxins
10) It reduces inflammation
(this list was included in my packet from Deb, so thanks)

Anybody else do wheatgrass? Shots or powder it works!
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